Twinkle Website
Our students have an account on the Twinkle website. This website benefits them in a variety of ways!
Please watch this video to learn about how to navigate through the Twinkle website.
Benefit #1
Listening Homework
Students follow the link in their workbooks to watch the listening video in order to prepare for their non-fiction classes.
Benefit #2
Interaction with Teachers
Students have meaningful interactions with their teachers on the Twinkle website. Students message teachers, play chess with them, ask them questions, comment on their teachers' posts, etc.
Benefit #3
Interactions with Students
Students interact with students from other Twinkle branches and engage in meaningful conversations and discussions to further stimulate their learning and development of the English language.
Benefit #4
Gaining and Sharing Knowledge
This website has many posts that question and stimulate the students' curiosity through videos, questions, comments, website-sharing, and other posts. Furthermore, students can post an interesting thing they found and share it with others to allow for further discussion.