Our academy's parents have direct contact with their child's teacher. This ensures proper and clear communication. We believe that the best education is provided to students when the parents and teachers are in contact and can work on improving the child's education together as a team.
This is done through Class Dojo, Google Classroom, and the Twinkle Website.

Class Dojo
Class Dojo connects teachers and parents to build amazing classroom communities.
Why we use Class Dojo:
Teachers encourage students for any skill or value -- whether it's working hard, being kind, helping others, or something else.
We showcase and share our students' learning by adding photos and videos.
Parents are engaged when we share photos and videos of wonderful classroom moments.
⭐ Each time a student reaches 50 points, they get a prize! ⭐
How To Use Class Dojo
Parents can become a part of this community to see the type of points their children are receiving online by downloading the app. Please watch the video below to learn about how to use and navigate Class Dojo.
Google Classroom
Our teachers use Google Classroom to keep the parents updated about what is happening in the classroom. This includes posting about homework, assignments, projects, or simply reminding parents about an upcoming event such as debate.
Furthermore, during online classes, students submit their homework and assignements through Google Classroom.
How To Use Google Classroom
Please use your email to sign up for Google Classroom. Please watch the video below to learn how to navigate Google Classroom.